Awesome game, not often you get something this original about!
Awesome game, not often you get something this original about!
THIS IS ME AND I ROCK! GRATZ FOREVER! THat is the sort of game over screen I WANT TO SEE MORE OF! SUper fun.
Man I'm so happy! This game is AWSOME! The music and SFX really tickled me on this beaut.
Not massively impressed
Didnt quite hit the spot... for a purely movement based game such as this I think fluid contol is essentual and this was too robomatronik to tick that box.
Amazingly addictive
What the hell?! Simplest game ever but throw in some madly funky tunes and mysteriously addivctive gameplay and BLAM!
Tottaly original and hand drawn animated?! Hats off to ya. Had great fun playing.
I'm back in segaworld?!
What the hell? This game could be professional! amazing!
Fukin A!
Really original and ridiculous. LOVE IT!
is this some sort of sick joke?! I've just wasted fucking minuites of my life? This is the biggest steaming pile of crap ever. I can't even formulate any constructive citisism. WOW my screenname?! Excuse me while i cream in my pants.
Funny, quick, so very well animated and most of all full of FF goodness!
Milenia ago, Aphrodite shot a limp noodle named Vadent out of her snatch. He grew to be the best robot pirate warrior chump boy ever known. His childhood was spent bieng taught a bunch of shit by Liam Neeson and now he makes shit and goes on adventures.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 3/26/09